Friday 13 January 2012

Welcome! Welcome!

Move in week in Kingston -- at the Courtleigh Hotel,
our home away from home while we waited for our cargo to clear customs
(and waited...and waited...)

Hi Family and Friends!
Welcome to the Murphy’s blog: Sweet Home Jamaica!  As many of you know, we’ve been living in Kingston since November 2011.  When we moved, lots of friends suggested we start a blog, to share our experiences abroad.   I waved off the idea, as it seemed a bit presumptuous.  Why would anyone want to read about our lives?  But people continued suggesting it, and I started giving the idea more serious thought.
I’ve been slow to come around, but I’m beginning to understand that the world of virtual communication is not about broadcasting your story; it’s about connecting with people you love and sharing your lives with one another, even when time and distance separate you. 
All that to say, at the top of my New Year’s Resolution List for 2012 sit three little words:  START A BLOG.  So here I am — writing our first official blog entry (mostly because “Start a blog” sounded like a far more enticing resolution to begin on a Friday than “Get in the best shape of your life”). 
If you’re on this site, it’s likely because you’re family or friend, and we want you to know we’re so grateful for you, and that we thank God daily for your love, support and encouragement during this adventure.
Sending you boatloads of love from Kingston, Jamaica!

Kevin & Cass

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